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4 Secrets on How to Find Inner Peace That Will Change Your Life Forever

Inner peace

It is imperative that you discover these 4 secrets on how to find inner peace and your life will never be the same again. 

Inner peace is a feeling or state of physical and spiritual calm despite many stressors. Inner peace brings happiness, satisfaction, contentment, and bliss no matter how difficult things get in your life; it’s beyond anything that you may try to conceive. 

Peace is not having everything you want or need at your disposal. Forget about riches and wealth. Money can’t buy you inner peace - they don’t account for even a fraction of genuine inner peace of heart and mind. I don’t mean you shouldn’t pursue riches and wealth. No. What I mean is you can amass wealth and still not be happy, contented, or at peace. 

On the other hand, you can be super-rich and wealthy and have the inner peace in your heart and mind.

The percentage of people suffering from insomnia, committing suicides or addicted to hard drugs is on the rise. People engage in all sorts of things just to find inner peace. 

Also Read: Breaking Free. Overcoming Addiction with God by Your Side

There are 4 secrets on how to find inner peace explained in this article which will change your life forever. I have heard testimonies of many born again Christians saying that they found inner peace when they gave their lives to Jesus. 

Indeed, Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the King of Salem (Hebrews 7:1-25). 

However, you can be in Christ and still lack the “Peace that surpasses human understanding” 

“And God’s peace, which is beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7.

This is the inner peace sought after by mankind. Sadly, many are still stumbling in their spiritual walks in efforts of finding it. Trying one religion after another, many have wandered to the moon and back without ever knowing this peace.

How to find inner peace that surpasses human understanding

By now, you should know that since Jesus is the author of peace, there’s no genuine peace of heart and mind apart from Salvation. You can’t have inner peace unless you are right with God. Sin is what robs you of peace and makes you fear judgement or punishment. Jesus promised the “Peace that surpasses human understanding”. 

This is the peace that’s ever present irrespective of whatever circumstances that surround you. This is the heavenly peace. Peace that is present in heaven and Jesus died on the cross just to make us experience it. Not now but forever. He died to give us the heavenly peace. 

No matter the present turmoil of life, this inner peace will forever be present in your life; once you know these 4 secrets on “how to find inner peace”.

Why is inner peace so important?

Peace is what holds the whole universe together. The opposite of peace is war and turmoil. I am lucky to experience the first and the second world wars in a history book. I wasn’t there and I thank the good Lord so much since maybe I would’ve never lived to write this article on how to find inner peace. The two wars that affected the whole world taught me that “peace is the key to life.” 

The opposite of peace is what can erase mankind from the face of the earth. When you lack peace in your life, it will be evident even to your marriage partner and your kids. 

Signs you lack inner peace

  • You are very restless and have trouble sleeping.
  • You have trouble concentrating on your daily activities.
  • You are moody and angry for no reason.
  • You are disobedient to your parents.
  • You are full of hatred towards people and life in general.
  • You worry about the future and find trouble living the present.
  • You are afraid of God’s presence.
  • You are sinning.
  • You know in your heart that you are not ready for Christ’s second coming.
  • You find it difficult to pray or fast.
  • You feel not contented with your achievements.
As a parent, you should be on the lookout for any signs of turmoil or lack of peace in your children and assist them to find inner peace before it destroys their precious lives.

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What are the two types of peace?

From my perspective, there’s; 

  1. External peace and 
  2. Internal peace. 

One day, Jesus and his disciples were crossing a lake on a boat then He fell asleep. Suddenly, a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat. The disciples were greatly distressed. They saw death with their own eyes and were terribly afraid. They woke Jesus up, crying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown! ” Jesus simply got up, rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:23-26.

External and internal peace explained 

The furious storm and the winds caused the waves of the lake to sweep over the boat causing a great panic among the disciples; who felt that they were still young to die and not yet ready. “The lake was not at peace”. 

The external environment, that is the lake and the boat, were at war against the desciples.  This is the definition of the external turmoil. The presence of the external turmoil robbed them of the external peace they had initially experienced when they got into the boat. Consequently, this external turmoil robbed them of their inner peace. 

The good thing about walking with God, He’s always present to “restore” the inner peace.

The following are the 4 secrets on how to find inner peace that will change your life forever.

1. The inner peace that “surpasses the human understanding” was once present in your life. 

When Jesus and His disciples got into the boat to cross the lake, the scenery was peaceful and calm; otherwise the disciples would’ve had doubts and commented on the turbulence. By calming the storm, what Jesus did was “restoring” what was once present. 
This inner peace which only Jesus can give was once present in the Garden of Eden where God “would walk in the cool of the day” and talk with Adam and Eve. You can’t walk or talk with God when you are in turmoil in your heart and mind. 

Sin is what separated us from this eternal inner peace which we so dearly need. 

Although this inner peace seems very hard to find, you experienced it at one time in your life. 

This was when you knew no sin nor had no cares of this world. 

When you were a baby, you experienced this heavenly peace beyond human understanding. There was a time you experienced inner peace... 100% of Christians who gave their lives willingly to Christ experienced inner peace immediately after the salvation prayer. If you ever gave your life to Jesus, you must have felt something like a heavy load lifted off your back. You felt as light as a feather. You slept like a baby that first night you gave your life to Jesus. 

What happened later on? This is what happened...As you grew up from childhood or as you began to live your Christian life, you began to flood your mind with the cares of this world. I need to study hard...I need a new pair of shoes for my basketball game...I need this...I need that...etc, etc.

As you began to need and want, you slowly but consistently started to lose inner peace. And when you became a teenager or an adult, inner peace was gone and hard to feel in your heart.

You grew up, got married and had children; peace drifted further and further away as your family’s needs rose. Majority of Christians study the Word of God and go to Church on Sundays or Saturdays but lack genuine peace in their hearts and minds. I am glad to reveal to you the first secret to peace that will change your life forever. 

This is it: 

Genuine peace was once present in your childhood life and also when you gave your life to Jesus Christ and it’s only Jesus who can restore it back. 

Yes. This is the first secret and it’s KEY for you to experience inner peace. The disciples of Jesus on the boat knew something was greatly amiss. They plainly saw that nope, this is not how the lake behaved when we first got into the boat. 

They cried for restoration to Jesus. The only way you can experience genuine peace is when you first acknowledge that something is amiss in your life. When you acknowledge that you don’t feel the way you used to feel when you first gave you life to Jesus. 

After noting that surroundings have changed, you cry to Jesus for help! 

2. Only Jesus can calm the stormy sea. 

Only He can provide for your needs and that of your family. What would’ve happened if the disciples had tried to calm the storm by themselves? What do you think will happen when you try to restore the peace you once experienced when you were a child or when you first gave your life to Jesus Christ? 

Jesus came to restore that which the devil stole in your life and asking HIM for restoration of the initial inner peace you felt is one secret that’s hidden from many Christians. 

Thank God you now know the second key secret to inner peace. 

Ask Jesus to RESTORE inner peace back in your life. Cry on your knees if you have too until you find it!

3. Genuine peace is not of this world but from heaven.

The next secret to experiencing inner peace in your life; “genuine peace that surpasses the human understanding is not of this world but from heaven”. The disciples were greatly amazed when Jesus calmed the stormy lake. They asked one another, 

“What kind of a man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey HIM?” Matthew 8:27.

What Jesus did that day, calming the stormy lake, was extraordinary and supernatural. No man alive can calm a stormy lake just by their words unless they are filled with the Holy Spirit who then supernaturally works this wonder. How will the sea and the winds obey you unless you are walking in the supernatural? The inner peace that “surpasses the human understanding” is not of this world, otherwise men would’ve had invented it too and sold it!

“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give to you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27.

The peace that Jesus gives you is His own inner peace which is not of this world. He therefore does not give it as the world does. 

As a Christian, you should know that nothing and no one will ever give you the genuine inner peace except Christ Jesus Himself. 

This is the third secret which many Christians miss. No religion can give you peace since all religions are of this world. 

It’s only Jesus Christ who is not of this world but “came down from heaven” with the heavenly inner peace as a gift to free the lost and those in turmoil.

The genuine inner peace that Jesus Christ gives will...

  1. Make you feel contented and rich even when what you have is just five loaves of bread and two fishes for just one day.
  2. Sleep like a baby without worries for tomorrow.
  3. Be very calm and happy.
  4. Ready to face whatever comes your way since you have Jesus who will calm the storm.
  5. Ready to suffer persecutions for the sake of the gospel of Christ without complaining.
  6. Ready to live knowing that all happen for good to those who love God.
  7. Ready to die and be with the Lord.
  8. Ready for Christ’s second coming since you’re assured you’ve passed judgement.
The disciples of Jesus had inner peace to an extent that they were ready to die for the gospel without questioning God. They knew and were greatly assured that they will be with their Lord when they die. They lived in inner peace over and over in their lives to an extent that everything, even death while in Christ Jesus, felt peaceful. 

This kind of peace which doesn’t even fear death is not of this world. Seeking this kind of peace from other sources is a great lie devised by the devil and his agents. 

Drugs, meditation practices, and riches can’t give you this kind of peace; only the Prince of Peace Himself can give you this kind of peace! The devil uses the cares of this world to rob you of your genuine peace. You will start to sink in the sea whenever you start to focus on what surrounds you. If you don’t believe this saying, you can ask the “Rock” who is also called Simon Peter. Peter was able to walk on the sea for a few seconds but started to sink “immediately” he removed his focus on Jesus. Faith and peace work together. When you lack faith, you will lack peace!

“Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. For the God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.”” Let us be bold, then, and say: “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6.

As a Christian, I have stumbled many times whenever I focused on the cares and worries of this world. They can seem harmless but the moment you start to focus on them rather than on the ONE who called you to walk on the sea, you will start to sink. I give glory to God since I found my way home through the secrets I've provided in this article. 

By sincerely confessing and repenting to God, He had mercy and restored His peace in my life.

The cares of this world is what drives Christians to sin, then they lose their genuine peace. You can’t be a slave of two masters because you will hate one and love the other. You can’t server both God and money. No wonder Jesus said that it’s easy for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the door of heaven. Being rich and then focusing all your thoughts and energy on your wealth will hinder you from experiencing genuine peace. 

What will happen when you suddenly go bankrupt? I know what will happen: if you didn’t have the peace that Christ Jesus gives, you will die of depression or suicide! I am serious!

An angry man. Lack of Inner peace.
Angry! Image courtesy 9
Of Pixabay 

Below are some of the things that rob you of your precious peace:

  1. Being worried about food or your next meal.
  2. Being worried about what you will drink.
  3. Being worried about clothes and the latest fashion trend.
  4. Being worried about tomorrow and the future, for example, education, personal savings, etc.
In the Book of Matthew 6:24-34, Jesus gave us this secret that will change your life forever once you grasp it and live it; the devil uses the cares of this world to steal your peace. Don’t give the devil the opportunity. Have faith that Christ will provide for you and you will experience genuine peace!

4. You can pursue peace each day

“Try to be at peace with everyone, and try to live a holy life, because no one will see the Lord without it.” Hebrews 12:14.

To pursue means to follow, chase, hunt, or track something. In the above scripture, it is very paramount to note that as a Christian, you should aim to live at peace with everyone. Circumstances will arise where your peace will be put to test. You should make it your aim to maintain the peace which Christ Jesus died on the cross to make it available to you. 

This is the fourth secret to peace. 

God has given you authority and power to be at peace. The devil, who is the author of confusion, is at your feet. Once you resist him he flees. 


God knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to defeat the devil or overcome the temptations that make us lose our peace. So He gave you the gift of the Holy Spirit who is your helper when you believe in Christ Jesus. 

You now know the four secrets to peace and you also know that peace definitely depends on your decisions. Decide to be at peace by allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you as you focus on Christ Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of your salvation. 

You will be blessed when you share these secrets to our fellow brothers and sisters so they too can live peaceful lives. 

Shalom as you prepare for the Kingdom of God; this world is passing away.

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